Research Indicator 2


Candidates apply research methodologies to solve problems and enhance practice. (p. 243)


Simulated Research Journal- Statistics III Final Project

Artifact & Course Description:

Course Description:

Created GREV 611: Multivariate Statistics III-Supervised by Dr. Gibbs Kanyongo

“Upon completion of the course, the student will:

  • develop an understanding of the concepts underlying the statistical methods covered
  • be able to interpret the results from analyses of multivariate data
  • develop skills in the use of a statistical computer package to analyze multivariate data and interpret results
  • gain knowledge of multivariate statistics as a tool for reading relevant research and professional literature
  • recognize appropriate (and inappropriate uses of statistical procedures)
  • be able to plan, conduct, and conduct, and report an analysis of a multivariate data set using statistical software”

(Syllabus GREV 611 Fall 2013, Dr. Gibbs Kanyongo)

Project Description:

“The project requires each student to individually analyze a dataset for the purpose of answering one or more research questions on a certain topic.  Each student is responsible for selecting their own topic, formulate research questions/and or hypotheses, design the appropriate study; find a suitable dataset to answer the stated research questions/research hypotheses, conduct data analysis, and produce a properly APA-formatted research paper. The paper should be a scholarly document similar to one you might present at a professional conference. During the course, students are encouraged to check with the instructor, on the appropriateness of their research questions/hypotheses, design, and dataset” (Syllabus GREV 611 Fall 2013, Dr. Gibbs Kanyongo)

In this project, I selected the topic for a simulated research-based journal article. I wrote the literature review, research questions based on the review, planned the design, and created a data set to analyze. After analyzing the simulated data, we were to write our research findings in the format of an APA-formatted scholarly journal.


This artifact meets the standard because it required me to complete a majority of the steps in a true research project and journal write up. The only step not completed in actuality was the data collection. I was required to use my literature review to inform research questions, methodology, design, and the analysis of the data. I was also required to draw conclusions based on the data analysis and suggest future research implications.

The practice of completing this assignment will prepare me in my future career to act as teacher-researcher. It provided me a guided practice in completing a possible study from the literature review through analysis of data and future research implications. It will be vital to have this skill set in any higher education setting that I plan to be a part of.


Fields (2013). Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics, 4th ed. Sage

Mertler & Vannatta (2005).  Advanced and Multivariate Statistical Methods, 3rd ed.  Pyrczak Publishing.